Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Out of the mouth of Delaney


While at school, Delaney's PreK class was listening to a story about Johnny Appleseed and how he went around the world planting appleseeds. When he meet up with Squanto, the Indian. With that the following conversation occurred in her classroom!

D: "Hey, Mere knows that Indian!"

Mrs. V (PreK teacher): "She does, does she?"

D: "Yeah, and he steals all her money!"

With that the teachers nearly fell off their chairs laughing.

Mrs V: "Mrs B and Mrs C (aides in the room that help out) know that Indian too!" Laughing not knowing that OUR daughter would have a come back to that...

D: Turning around to face Mrs C and Mrs B, "Does he steal your money too!?!?!?"

By lunch time the entire school knew about Mere's habits! Oh the joys of little ones!
Hope this silly makes your day Uncle G! ;)


G said...

It made my day for sure...and I BET it made Meres' day too.....

Anonymous said...

too funny

Anonymous said...

Tell Delaney that the Indians steal Aunt Jill and Uncle Rick's money too!!!!! What a funny story.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~The Lives of Our Twins